Saturday, August 9, 2008

I wouldn't believe it if it didn't happen to me...

Living alone, in a town away from everyone I know certainly has its disadvantages. One of those would definitely be the absence of a helper when a ride takes a turn for the worst... Living in Helena has provided me with a pretty cool change of bike scenery. I have explored, Three Forks, Canyon Ferry Lake, Canyon Ferry Dam, Townsend, and McDonald Pass. Recently one of my adventures took a turn for the worst and I found myself in a situation that while not being unthinkable, rarely ever crosses your mind as a cyclist.

While riding around the reservoir I had the fortune to suffer a flat tire. Not a big deal, happens to hundreds of thousands of cyclists and I always ride with a CO2 inflator and a spare. What I hadn't counted on was being immediately attacked by hundreds of mosquitoes. These little buggers where in my jersey, biting me through my clothing and even on my face. I couldn't swap them fast enough. All this while having to change a tire. My level of stress immediately went to red line as I took this attack as a personal slight.

With anger I ripped off my inflator and tube in one twisting motions. I jammed the lever under the tire bead and forced it around the tire. I ripped the old tube out, slamming it to the ground in frustration. At this point my attackers were so bad that it was like mini needles jammed into my legs, arms, and face. I regrettably hurried too much and pinch flatted the new tube...dang! I went into survival mode as the seriousness of having an 8 mile walk home in bare feet set in. I did the only thing any reasonable man would do...I slumped to the side of the road and cried my eyes out...just kidding. I started walking home, every step jammed hot chip seal into my heels and forefoot. Wow this sucks...but I should be home in 2 hours, if ever. But wait...a truck was pulling out in a driveway about 100 feet in front of me, this is my one chance.

I flagged the truck. Wonder what they thought when they say a kitted up cyclist in bare feet bum rushing their vehicle...? I asked the driver if they were going "that way" while gesturing. They simply said "no I am sorry I am not." It was plead or walk home. I hoped I could pay them for a ride, so I asked. I think the driver realized my situation and its severity and agreed to give me a ride.

On that ride home I answered alot of questions like am I on a team, and even what the heck am I doing. Needless to say, I answered them all willingly. The driver that picked me up was my hero for that week. I rode a different bike back to the driver's house to give them a thank you card. I was invited into their living room and learned about them and their family. I even gained a dinner invite and a standing offer to call them if the flat thing ever happens again...pretty cool. Just goes to show you that people are still willing to help others, even when it makes them go out of their way. I won't ever forget that day or the incredibly generous person that picked me up. She really saved my day and pulled me out of a tight jam.