Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Don't Know...It's Just Different

This year will be different. It is going to be structured differently, have different priorities, and more importantly end up differently.

*Living a dream 5 years in the making, Elite Heat - Griz Triathlon 2008*

In the past I had forced my fitness to prematurely sharpen for the Griz Tri, I now see what a negative effect that had on the rest of my season. It was such a task to have a high level of fitness in the spring when the majority of my racing would not take place until summer. I never felt comfortable on that schedule. I typically race until fall before taking time off in the winter. To do well at the Griz you have to be putting in the base through November and December and lactate threshold during March. That's always been too early to fit my schedule. Last year I lived my dream of being in the Elite Heat. The race was so-so but whatever, I was there. The years of hard work were worth it, but I don't really care about the Griz Triathlon anymore, been there done that, no offense.

This contributes to why this year is different. I am not racing at the Griz, instead I agreed to coach (term used loosely) a friend, so that she may too have her big day. Not doing the Griz will finally afford me to build a huge base over the winter and spring, something I have not done before. At this point, base training is necessary for what I plan to do.

I have already started building my volume and feel great. I have never felt this good while putting in big miles. My training is well planned and progressive. I absorb large amounts of "comfortably" paced training very well. I don't know, it's just different. I feel think, feel, and train differently than previous years. My base volume of previous years will not even be a "blip" on the radar screen compared to what I think I can do this season.

It sounds weird, but my body is going through aerobic change. I can tell my capacity for aerobic "work" is increasing. This year will be different, it will have to be in order to achieve what I am planning to do...