Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Like The New Me...

I have lost contact with the version of me that I was last year at this time. I am a fraction of athlete I was in 2008. In fact, last year if an item did not fit into the list below (swim, bike, run), I frankly did not care about it.

I often catch myself reliving what I was doing in 2008 as far as races and everything. When I look back (with my current perspective) on the way I lived and trained last year it is quite entertaining. I'm always thinking, "I can't believe I did that!" Last summer, I would get up ridiculously early, like 4:30 early so that I could get my run in.

I won't ever forget getting up early on weekend mornings to go ride 100+ miles around the lake, literally spending all day on my bike. Every time I rode around the lake it was like riding in a dream world, smooth road, big hills, flats where I could open up the throttle and let it rip, no cars, green fields, blue water, and sun It was on those days that my day was reduced to simplicity; ride, eat, drink, sleep. On some days I would commute via my triathlon bike the 30 miles one way to work, roll into the audit office in full cycling regalia and be like, "hey." You should have seen the looks...they didn't get it, obviously.

I remember everyday I would be so tired from my schedule that mowing the grass would seem like an insurmountable physical challenge. I would return from my long ride or run and plant my self on the couch, fading in and out of consciousness due to fatigue. I loved that lifestyle at the time though. That seemed normal then. It also seemed normal when I would go open water swimming in Lake Canyon Ferry by myself, before the sun came up. That task would strike paralyzing fear in most people, thinking back my skin crawls with an erie feeling of being completely alone in semi darkness in a huge (20+ mile long) body of water. But at the time I rationalized it as being "what I had to do to win." I didn't over think it, "OMG I'm in 400 feet of water, alone!" I just did it, and loved it. I actually draw a lot of personal strength from things like that.

Bottom line, If I wasn't...


or cycling:

or running:

or sleeping....or thinking about racing...I was totally indifferent. This year, however, is different. I have pursued many new interests and have had more non athletic type fun, after all I have a lot more free time.

Actually, I have had an incredible spring so far, despite not continuously living the usual suspects; swim, bike, run. I am having so much fun in other aspects and areas that are usually less priorities. Like school, I am enjoying my last semester in graduate school, and the upcoming CPA prep, I love that stuff.

I have been hanging out with friends, and even going out to eat. Just last week I had a few meals that I normally wouldn't, I am having some birthday cake tomorrow, and I am so going to enjoy it. Yum! I don't feel bad at all about it. Don't get me wrong I am not abusing my body in any fashion with excess, in fact, cardiovascular wise I may not be where I was last year, but in general overall health I am in much better physical shape. I have been very diligent despite not training triathlon.

Annnnd...I met some incredible people, you know who you are ;) that are so much fun to talk with. I am looking forward to spending more time with those people. I like the current balance that I have achieved. I have started training, carefully, for a few short races. While I may be a different (more matured) person that the 2008 version, I still have that drive to get back into training. However, I will definitely keep my current balance and personal progress of the past adventure... PS I can't wait to reconnect with my "summer (triathlon circuit) friends." Start the countdown.

Pictured Below: Evan "sir excellent" Eck (I gave him that nickname) was 50% of Team Brosious-Eck, a team that was traveling almost every weekend last summer. It was a heck of a year when I look back. Pack, travel, race, repeat. Satisfyingly simple. Fear not my friend, I will return, again, and we will pillage the award ceremonies once again.