Sunday, December 14, 2014

Aren't You Scared?

2013 was an amazing triathlon year. I dedicated myself completely to it, I was relentless, and it paid off. Fairly soon after winning NCSG Athlete of the year in 2013 I felt the waves of change. I have concluded that my "thing" is finding adventure. It's simple, I find things that intrigue, scare, and challenge me, things that make me say "I don't know if I can do that"...and then I do those things.

*Evan's dad, Eric, sent this to me. This is amazing and I was hooked as soon as I saw it.

I dedicated myself to the natural bodybuilding champs for the first half of  2014, and that adventure was flippin' awesome.  I did the half ironman in September, but I never found that missing piece that triathlon brought in previous years. I haven't ridden, swam, or run much since the September half ironman.  I relentlessly pursued triathlon for 10 years, and I find myself thinking "Maybe 10 years and a room full of awards is enough, and it's time to find new things" 

My appreciation for coordination, functional strength, and nutrition are more at the forefront, and I am obsessed with Frank Medrano, his calisthenics, and body-weight exercises. The simply-satisfying aspect of harnessing control and balancing the movements of your body...and being shredded like a cheese grater...intrigue me. Your body is one of the only things in the whole world that is truly yours, and mastering its strength and weaknesses is so simple, yet so complex at the  same time.  Your central nervous system is like a computer that can be programmed to eventually do things you couldn't do yesterday, and it fascinates me.

*I've just been hanging out lately...The iron flag

*Frank Medrano. The master.  Do you want your mind blown?  This guy, like Tony Horton, is age-less and incredible. They both credit weight training and a clean diet.  I hope I can be like either of them in my mid-fifties (yes, he's over 50, for real).

When I tell people I'm not doing triathlons they are surprised. "You aren't doing triathlons?!?! Aren't you scared, that's what you do!"  No, bro, I ain't scuuuuuuurd!

I'm 29,  and I have a heck of a lot of adventures to chase. There is no time like the present. I chase adventures and challenges...THAT is what I do...and I love it.