Thursday, December 25, 2008

Not Again...

At the World Championships in Hawaii, Normann Stadler (pictured below) lost his lead when he was toppled by leg cramps and a hurting lower leg...

In 2007 I missed 8 months of the season, no bike, no run, and lost all my fitness. I did the "normal" things like like staying up late and going out, let me say it was the most unfulfilling time in my life, e-ffing worthless waste of time, I almost went insane.

I actually wish I would have went insane so I could block out that time period. People don't understand, this is what I do, period. I knew I shouldn't have posted about how well my workouts were going, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Today on my run my illiotibial band syndrome resurfaced, this time in the other leg.

I wasn't doing anything crazy or dangerous in terms of volume, 12-14 hours the past few weeks.  I had big mileage in the fall with no problems. This might still be a lingering injury from the Seattle disaster as my shins and legs hurt bad after that adventure. I have done my weight trainings, stretches, and have a whole year without ITB, but it's back today, in the other leg. Certainly all runners and cyclists have injuries but...I don't know what to's...well it's just frustrating.