Thursday, June 4, 2009

Helena Sprint Triathlon - Promo

I am working on the post for the great weekend we just had. I'm packed with CPA exam stuff but I will put up a race report and some pictures of the weekend, just a little slow due to time constraints.

Give me a break, I barely have time to exercise, let alone play all day on my blog. :)

Until then, I will just say it went well, lots of fun and snuck out another win. "Oh you so sneaky sneaky."

Love the new P3, there's a reason why the best riders (Fabian Cancellara etc.) set records on this thing...that reason is because they are the Chuck Norris of the bike world. Hiii Yaw.

"Speed Kills, Man Up!" Enough said. PS Yes, I made this shirt, jealous?

5K: Hot, painful, and yes, very also helped to have an entourage of friends, family, and triathlon arm charm cheering me on. (: