Friday, December 30, 2011

The Brodacious Project

Every person should have a favorite movie that came out the year they were born.

 My "fav" from my birth year is Rocky IV.   In fact, two of my favorite movies of all time are Rocky III and Rocky IV.  Aside from the fact that both these movies have great characters, messages, lack of four-letter words, memorable music, and inspiring training montages, Sly Stallone's commitment to physical fitness for these movies is something to be appreciated.

Stallone is by far, one of the most dedicated physical fitness persons I have ever seen (actor or not).  I respect people who train hard--whether the reason being a film, sport, etc.--and sacrifice the things they want right now for things they want in the future. Giving up the things you want [long term goals] in order to have the things you want right now [instant satisfaction] only leads to the pain of regret, not the comforting pain of sacrifice (oxymoron).

In my "research" about men and women, I always come back to simple explanations.  The most simple, but accurate explanation to queries is, "it's a man thing."  I can't explain why I wanted to complete this project, train so hard, or find personal tests to go through. I just like it, it's fun, it's a challenge, it's a project, it's a Brodacious thing.  I ran my project idea by my sister, Mack, she wasn't interested (although she did help me with the pictures).  This affirmed that it is definitely a man thing. :)

*The two greatest contributions to society in 1985:  My birth and Rocky IV, in that order.

So let us get to it.  In Rocky IV Stallone trains and fights in wintry Russia.  It is one of the greatest training montages, complete with great music, I have ever seen.  I have a lot of time on my hands so I got to thinkin' how much fun it would be to 1. Do the training Rocky did in Siberia, and 2. Try to emulate the action shots of Rocky's training.  This was a project of entertainment, training, and honestly I found it quite satisfying.  Like I said, I like this movie, working out, and making my own unique adventures.  By the way, one of the best parts of the movie is when Rocky is training hard and Tony, the trainer, yells, "No Pain!"

Training Scenario One:  The Sled Pull

*Rocky pulls Uncle Pauly

*Brodacious pulls Nephew Uriah

Training Scenario Two:  Pull ups

*Rocky training hard, no pain!

*Brodacious training hard, no pain!

*I set a new personal record, 25 pull ups

Training Scenario Three:  Mountain Running

*I have other posts about mountain running, a picture does not do it justice

Training Scenario Four:  Wood Cutting

*No living trees were hurt in the making of this project

Training Scenario Five:  The Log Run


*Brodacious, still, no pain

Training Scenario Six:  The Strongest Version of Self

I had a lot of fun with this project.  The planning, the training, and the production was satisfying.  I love adventures and I love to have fun.  Any exercise or activity that gets people away from the TV and computer is a good thing.  However, it is rather ironic I type at the computer for my website about getting off the couch.  Who knows what I will do next, I train unconventionally because that is what it takes to win. :)  I hope you are smiling, because I am.  Push yourself to your limits, remember what it takes to be a champion. 

No Pain!

***A caveat. It's hard not to come off self-centered when you have a website dedicated to yourself. It's even harder when you have a website clad with stories, results, and pictures about yourself. I am not cooler, neater, or more awesome than anyone else.  My intentions have always been to share adventures, goals,  motivations, entertain, race, and have fun being healthy.  If you don't have your health, you don't have anything.