Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ellensburg Triathlon

Well, the last two races (a short season of only 4 triathlons) are done.  I am going to keep this short.  First, a big thank you to Rory, Deanna, and Jenna of Budu Racing.  Their friendship means the world to me, and I am so thankful that they allow us to compete in fun, safe, and challenging events all over WA State.  They have always been very supportive and generous to me, which I appreciate. 


Second, thank you to Ayla and her family who have been very supportive of me.  I enjoy spending time with them, it's always a laugh when Ayla and her Aunt Debra start chipping on me.  Ayla and her family are always there to cheer and take pictures, and they are the most kind-hearted family I have ever met. I spent Friday night with Ayla's grandma watching Dr. Phil.  I found Grandma Wyman's distaste for the guest on the show quite entertaining.  In gratitude of all their support I threw a pizza party at the Wyman house after the race on Saturday.  It was great for so many reasons. I haven't had Pizza Hut pizza forever!

 *So adorable
 *One of my favorite tri friends, Jenna Muller of Budu Racing. PS real men wear pink. did the race go? I said I will make it short. I took off and had an amazing swim and got a nice gap.  On the bike I was able to push the big ring the entire route, which I have never done on this course before, but my time was not all that impressive.  The eventual winner, Ryan Brown, passed me on the bike and I started the run in 2nd place.  I did my best on the run, but there were some animals in the chase pack.  With my top-end run speed taking the year off I found myself in deep water near the end of the run.  I had a chance for a sprint finish...something I usually love more than anything...but my sprint speed wasn't there when I reached for it. Patrick Sheeks took the 2nd place spot right at the line. Good job to him.  Joshua Fitchitt again ran me down for the third race, but also for the third time I was able to hold him off by a few steps. He did a good job this year, it was fun racing him.

*Congratulations to Ryan Brown (1st), and Partick Sheeks (2nd). They earned it.

I could be disappointed with 3rd place overall, my time splits, and I definitely could be sour grapes over losing a sprint battle at the end, but I am not.  I am more mature than that.  I appreciate getting beat at the line, because it allowed me to feel that fire, that desire to do what it takes be fast.  I stepped away from that type of training and race-mindset this year to do the bodybuilding show.  I am not disappointed about anything from this year. It's has been great, even if I wasn't able to go as fast as I usually do. I feel that fire to get back to high level racing now, it's actually been really great to experience other things so that I can see how fun swimming, biking, and running is. All good stuff in my opinion regardless of results this disrespect to my three 2nd places and one 3rd. lol

 *25-29 age division podium:  Great job to Hubert (left) for having a great race!

That's it, thanks again to everyone.