Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dream Adventure 2015: Part 1 of 3

My dream in the making: 
This is my oldest memory and my oldest dream. It was 26 years in the making and in my 30th year it felt like the timing was right, and I went for it.  I can remember way back when I was 4. I was so lucky because I spent a lot of time with my grandma at her house. I will never forget those times, she has long since passed and I would trade anything for the chance to go back to those times for a day, to be in her house and to smell those familiar smells of grandma's house, and just  to see her again.
I kept her very close in my mind and heart for this adventure.  My favorite part of staying at her house was watching the 70's TV show, CHiPs. If you don't know, or can't remember, it is a fictional show about California Highway Patrol motorcycle officers.  The two main characters are John Baker and Frank Poncharello ("Ponch and John").  For over 25 years I have been fascinated by the police motorcyles and the adventures of this show.

I recently purchased the first three seasons on DVD and have been watching them occasionally with my mom.  Even though I saw these episodes about 20 years (or more) ago, I can still remember the episodes and it takes me about 5 minutes for the memory of the episode to come back. I still remember playing with toy motorcycles that my grandma bought me and watching the show at her house. Life was so simple back then. 
I spent many days riding my bike around the neighborhood, wearing a toy six-shooter on my hip, and pretending I was on patrol.  I wore shirts with sewn-on badges, I wore my grandma's boots because they were similar to motorcycle boots used in the show, and my grandma even called me John Baker for a while. A funny side-note: for my birthday a real life motorcycle cop came to my house...and I hid behind the couch terrified. lol
*When I was 4 years I patrolled with my white sunglasses and a white helmet.
*...and I still wear a white helmet and white glasses.
*This is me on patrol keeping everyone safe. You're welcome.
*The cast of the show then.

*A fairly recent picture of the cast now...the change scares me.
For over 25 years I wanted a motorcycle, and for 25 years I talked myself out of it saying, "You don't need a motorcycle."  They are dangerous, you'll crash it." Your mom will worry."  "Just don't get one."  "You're not a motorcycle person." "You're not in a bike gang, people will laugh at you."
In 2013 I had athlete of year, in 2014 I had the natural bodybuilding championships, and in January 2015 I was thinking of what I wanted to do. The switch flipped, it was crystal clear what I wanted. I wanted a motorcycle. That little voice that talked me out of a motorcycle for so long was no longer there and the time was right. 
My journey had begun.