Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Element

Somewhere along the way I slipped out of my element...

I am always nervous about long layoffs and the subsequent returns to the pool. I am always wondering if my form will be lost, if my speed has vanished and if my swim skill has saturated. Maybe I have a little apprehension to return because I know there are a lot of early mornings going to the pool in subsequent months, and it starts now.

Within the first few strokes I am relieved to feel my familiar strength in the water, "I can still swim!" After not swimming since my last half Ironman in September I lost sight of the comfort of the pool. Many people view the pool as stressful, a place of discomfort, a place of awkwardness. I find it to be comforting and a barrier to the other things that I experience everyday. The pool is my element to train, to relax, and reduce myself to simple tasks...swim, flip, swim, flip, repeat. Those that can swim are the lucky ones, lucky to have the ability to take comfort in an element so foreign to most.

Plus swimming pools are awesome!