Friday, January 4, 2013

The Training Montage...Where The Heck Is It?

After thinking about it, working on it, and updating it countless times, I have made the decision to not post the training montage.  “Why?” you may ask.  Well I went through a lot of effort to get it exactly the way I wanted it.  I mirrored the scenes of some of my favorite movies; I had all these great shots of me doing pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, and other muscle-busting workouts.  The problem was, as many times as I rewrote it, tweaked, and went through painstaking efforts, I couldn't get it to reflect the message that I wanted.

*The dogs had an amazing time running freely through the mountains

I try to convey a message with my posts, and I couldn't get the training montage to convey what I wanted.  I love to workout and do manly things, and I am very proud of the hard work and sacrifices I make.  It isn't easy to get my body to look the way it does, but the message I want to convey here is not one of vanity.  People who know me, know that vanity is not my message and I wouldn't want any confusion to come from that.

*My sister inspired my winter training.  This is her ice climbing in some crazy place.

I tried my best, but just couldn't make the training montage what I wanted it to be, you can always revisit the 2011 training montage.  Maybe next year J