Sunday, March 10, 2013

CDA Swim Meet: Part 1 of 2

I keep a big calendar on my refrigerator, in the spot for writing in the month I wrote, “March Is Always My Month.”  For the past few years I have had tough Decembers and Januarys.  February brings a little relief (and sun), but March is my month.  I want to do this race report in two parts because the journey I just completed is nothing short of a dream come true.

*Smiling because I like lime green run kits. Even while running I thought about swimming :)

First I owe a big thank you to my friends and family who love and support me.  I also owe a mention to my friends at Hammer Nutrition.  Their products are amazing and I am so very lucky to be one of their athletes.  After years of begging, they released lime green kits. WOW.  I combined their amazing products with clothing that feels good to wear for one of the best training phases of my whole racing life. 

A funny side note, a week or so ago I got a call from a restricted phone number from a girl posing as a representative of Hammer.  She was asking about another interview and about my favorite Hammer Products.  A couple minutes into the conversation I asked her with a laugh, “are you aware that I just had an interview for Endurance News, and I’m guessing people don’t want to see me again so soon.”  She in a somewhat snapping tone said, “Are you aware that you are hot?”  I was so taken off guard that I sat there silent… After she said that I heard an eruption of multiple sources of girl-giggling on the phone before she hung up on me.  It was kind of funny in a ridiculously immature way.  But, I can take a joke. Ha ha.  If that person is reading this….you’re a sucker J 

*Sweet pre swim meet bike kit, also sporting a longer hair style just for this adventure.

I am guessing people don’t come here to hear blathering talk about training, that’s all blah blah and if it isn’t your training you probably don’t care.  My training isn’t the message.  The message was dedication to what I thought was impossible.  That is the message and that applies to everyone in a variety of situations. 

One of the most satisfying things about this swim meet was the preparation and attack plan that I put on this adventure.  I did not cut a single corner, not one.  I even grew out my hair so I could attach something different to the goal. My life for the past three months has been very simple and very satisfying.  

I love what I am doing and I enjoyed everyday and every workout.  There is something special about dedication of everything you have; energy, time, diet, and focus to one thing.  I shared so many special moments with my workout friends.  Going to the pool to swim 5 x 400IM with Ayla was so rewarding. Those are moments we will remember for our entire lives.

*My diet included large amounts of a secret shake I call "Mean Green." I love lime green!

*I call the salad "Lean Green" Yep, more lime green.

Before starting this training I was terrified of how hard the combination of the 200 butterfly and 400IM would be.  Those two events happened at the end of the program and within minutes of each other. I knew I would be the only one at the meet brave (stupid) enough to attempt it…terrified.  That’s why it’s so rewarding.  

I went to the pool for the entire month of February and pounded out 200fly to 400IM combos in nearly every workout.  It was grueling, I had fear the whole time, and sometimes I failed trying to do it.  There was more than one occasion that I slammed the water with my fist after failing to do it, but I kept focused and told myself to take it day by day. March rolled around and after doing two and three sets of those back to back it wasn’t intimidating anymore. I had broken through.

*Swim Outlet sent me some great stuff right before the meet.

By the time the meet rolled around I looked back and realized that all those small moments of strength and sacrifice and even the small failures had added up.  They were now one solid foundation of strength.  The day before the meet I had one of the most amazing bike to run workouts ever, I felt so energized, so focused, and so ready to do what I had trained to do. 

I felt so proud of what I had done with my efforts and talents the past three months and so happy to just be me.  It is so simple. 

The morning of the swim meet I woke and got in a nice little trainer ride to flush my legs and prime my cardiovascular system in preparation of harnessing this monstrous goal I had been dreaming about since December. While I was pedaling away on the trainer I was shooting texts to Ayla and Deidre about our theme songs and the events.  It was clear that we were all very excited and ready to race.

*Pre race pedaling away on the trainer. I have lots of space, but I prefer to ride in the storage room where my bikes sleep, I don't know why.

*While in the storage room I don't watch TV, I just look at picture of the Murder Machine decked out in battle gear and listen to music and I love it.

We all have big dreams, mine are no exception, everyone has something that they want to do.  They might not all be swimming or triathlon related, but everyone has something that burns deep inside.  I wonder how many people have the desire to live it.  

*You are what you eat, drinking "Mean Green" after a run and turning into it.

My hope is that the people reading this will "get it."  I'm not sharing this adventure, or maintaining this website to say "I'm so cool," because I am no more so than any other dreamer.  If someone gets the vibe of self righteousness then I did a poor job in conveying what this is all about.  

This is NOT about being the fittest, fastest, or strongest athlete out there, because of which I am certainly NOT. This is about passion, dedication, and doing the things everyday that set you up to live your dreams.  It's about dreaming big and going for it.  

It's about Believing In The Power Of One.  Nothing more, nothing less. 

I am psyched....Can you tell?  :)