Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Years!

Happy new year to everyone!  I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone the best of luck starting 2014, and remind you to reflect back on 2013.  What did you do well, what needs improvement, what difficulty will be your new opportunity, and what did you learn?  Also, I love theme songs, you know this. The start of 2014 has a theme song and it is Make a move, by Gavin Degraw.  While the general message is about love, I think that the undertones of taking that step and having the courage in making a move is fitting. "Make a move" video link  Listen to the song and think about your goals :)

This is also the time for New Years Resolutions. So many people ultimately failure to achieve long term success with their resolutions because they lack a realistic approach to success.  Point being, most people go 0 to 100 with their resolutions and can't stick with their drastic change.  Drastic is never successful.  You want the key to success?  Here it is; success is achieved when a dedicated person implements small changes consistently.   Don't think for a second that your goals are easy, they never are, but they are attainable through consistency and a positive attitude.  Consistency, not perfection, is what it takes, it is as simple as that.

In looking back at 2013, I learned a lot, about a lot of things. If nothing else, the older I get, the more confidence I have in what I do, the way I live, the person I have become, and the motivation to step outside my expanding comfort zone.  It is an amazing feeling to be 28 and wake up everyday thinking, "I can do whatever I want to do today, the sky is the limit."  I am incredibly fortunate to have endless opportunities to pursue and the support of many great people.  2013 was the first time that I started to feel that life is short and time is of the essence. 

We all need to remember that the sky is the limit, but also know that the clock is ticking. Be patient at times, but be decisive.  

I feel like I am constantly torn between living for the future and living in the past. It's necessary to keep your future goals in mind everyday and ask yourself, "How does what I do today affect tomorrow?"  You also have to keep assessing things in the past so you can be prepared for your future opportunities.  What I learned this year was to live in the moment when you achieve your goals.  We work very hard to achieve our goals as we relentlessly pursue our dreams.  Just because you are focused on the future doesn't mean you can't enjoy the journey, the stepping blocks, and the building of your success.  In those moments when you achieve the grander goals, then by all means live in the moment like there is no tomorrow.  For crying out loud (added for emphasis) this is your moment, and you earned it, enjoy it. There are many times of 2013 that I will never forget as long as I live.  Without dreams there may as well be no tomorrow, this is what we live for.  

In terms of my resolutions, I always have a few because I am a dreamer, and a constant work in progress. I have a few big goals and adventures in the works, they are a huge stretch for me, and somewhat intimidating because they are different from what I have done in past years. 

In looking back at 2013, my residual feeling is that there is nothing else to prove (to anyone), so why not shoot for the stars and dream big.  I have the confidence of all my past success to justify my aspirations, and whether I succeed or fail, it will never take away from what I have already done and accomplished.  I will share more about my goals as they develop, there is a lot of work to be done. 

Maybe this is the year to ask yourself, "What would I do, if this year, was my year?"  

Best of luck in 2014, friends.